PhD hiring call

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The Greenedge Innovative Training Network offers 15 fully funded PhD positions for Early Stage Researchers (ESRs)

Job conditions

The host organisation appoints each eligible researcher under an employment contract. The duration of the contract is 36 months. The ESR fellows are expected to join their host organizations starting from September 2021 (estimated). The ESR is covered under the social security scheme that applies to employed workers within the country of the host organization, or under a social security scheme providing at least sickness and maternity benefits in kind, invalidity and accidents at work and occupational diseases, and covering the researcher in every place of implementation of the project activities.

The Living Allowance amount is €3,270 per month (basic gross salary). This amount is then multiplied by the correction coefficient applicable to the country where the ESR will be hosted.

Additional allowances

A Mobility Allowance contributes to the private expenses of the researcher due to their mobility. The amount of the mobility allowance amounts to €600 per month.

A Family Allowance of €500 per month will be paid should the researcher have family, regardless of whether the family will move with the researcher or not. In this context, family is defined as persons linked to the researcher by (i) marriage, or (ii) a relationship with equivalent status to a marriage recognised by the national or relevant regional legislation of the country where this relationship was formalised; or (iii) dependent children who are actually being maintained by the researcher.
The family status of a researcher will be determined at the time of their (first) recruitment in the project and will not evolve during the project lifetime.

Rules for applicants

  • Early-Stage Rule: applicants should be, at the time of recruitment by the host institution, in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers and have not yet been awarded a doctoral degree. This is measured from the date when they obtained the degree, which would formally entitle them to embark on a doctorate.
  • Mobility Rule: at the time of recruitment, the applicant must not have lived in the country where the position is offered for more than 12 months in the previous 36 months.
  • PhD Rule: once selected by the GREENEDGE consortium for the ESR positions, the applicants must apply for the PhD program at the respective recruiting sites.
  • Priority List: applicants can select up to 3 Individual projects (listed here below). The hiring process will take into account the priority specified by the applicant.
  • Application deadline: May 31, 2021.

How to apply

The applicants must fill the online application form, uploading the following documentation:

  1. ID: Xeroxed copy of a valid ID (passport);
  2. CV Europass format
  3. Academic record: BS and MS exams with scores (list)
  4. Personal statement (e.g., one page with background & motivation)
  5. Reference letters from two academic/research supervisors (this is the preferred option. If not possible, please specify their emails in your CV and we will contact them ourselves).
  6. ESR projects: selection of up to 3 projects, in order of preference
  7. Proof of eligibility
  • Recommended: Master’s degree certificate
  • Optional: a certificate of equivalence (to a EU 5-year MS degree
Note: do not forget to specify the following pieces of information in your CV.  1) Mandatory: an alternative contact (besides your email), e.g., Skype, Google Meet, etc.. 2) Mandatory: university name & country that released your Bachelor’s Degree, 3) Mandatory: GPA of your Bachelor’s Degree, 4) Mandatory: university name & country that released your Master’s Degree, 5) Mandatory: GPA of your Master’s Degree (if already completed).
IMPORTANT (Please Read): if among the three selected projects you have selected ESR10 (host: University of OULU), due to OULU’s hiring procedures, besides applying through the link below, you also need to apply through the following Website in order to be assessed for ESR10 position.
The Hiring Call is now closed. We thank all the applicants.
Our final decision has been sent out to all applicants on August 5th, 2021.

The 15 individual ESR projects you can apply for